
Our Hijama Services

At Mehboob Hijama Centre, we are dedicated to holistic treatment and quality care to help you regain your well-being. Enjoy the convenience of having a full team of experienced and friendly allied health therapists in one location. Your practitioner will assist in optimizing your health, alleviating pain or injury, and guiding you to perform at your best.

Our Services

Main Organ Detoxification

Heart Liver stomach lungs kidney’s and Sunnah points, book your session now to cleanse and rejuvenate your body's vital organs.

All Organ Detoxification

Heart Liver stomach lungs kidney’s pancreas spleen bladder gallbladder intestines and Sunnah points

Migraine Pain Treatment

Relieve migraine pain with our specialized Hijama treatment. Experience natural, relief & improved well-being through targeted hijama

Sciatica Pain Treatment

Alleviate sciatica pain with our targeted treatment. Experience relief and enhanced mobility through our therapy.

Benefits of Hijama

On a systemic level, cupping enhances blood and lymph circulation and improves autonomic nervous system function. Locally, cupping provides pain relief, relaxes stiff tendons and muscles, and boosts lymphatic flow while removing congested blood. When applied to joints, it increases blood flow and promotes synovial fluid secretion. Cupping benefits digestive organs by boosting secretions and peristaltic movements. It can increase appetite, strengthen digestion, improve bile flow and metabolism, relieve constipation, and promote bowel regularity. Cupping also detoxifies the skin and circulatory system by enhancing blood and plasma flow, aiding in toxin removal.
